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The web's first platform and app store specifically for family history "apps"...

A Billion Family Trees

What do we do?

  • Most LDS church members don’t realize they already have family history recorded for them in New FamilySearch.
  • AncestorsWaiting simply searches your existing FamilySearch family tree for ancestors who still need temple work done.
  • We automatically reserve your next ancestor in FamilySearch and generate your family ordinance request.
  • You simply print the family ordinance request and take it to the temple!



What makes us different from FamilySearch?
AncestorsWaiting eliminates and automates the long and involved manual steps you have to perform currently on AncestorsWaiting is simply the fastest and easiest way to take your own ancestors' names to the temple!
Is this approved by the Church?
Yes, AncestorsWaiting is FamilySearch certified for the temple ordinance reservation feature. The AncestorsWaiting team has been working very closely with the official FamilySearch development and project teams to integrate our system safely and securely with the core FamilySearch systems. The Church doesn’t have the time and resources to do everything they desire, and so they have begun to work closely with 3rd Party companies to provide FamilySearch services that will help and encourage members to do more family history and to take more ancestors to the Temple.
How is different than, why shouldn’t I just use
AncestorsWaiting is focused on one specific task, finding your ancestors’ names to take to the temple. is focused on many tasks, taking ancestors‘ names to the temple being only one of many. AncestorsWaiting eliminates and automates the long and involved manual steps you have to perform today on to find your next ancestors’ names to take to the temple.
What do I do with the Family Ordinance Request I print from
Once you print the Family Ordinance Request, you take it with you to the temple. At the temple give the Family Ordinance Request to the Temple Clerk who will then issue you your colored ordinance cards. The colored ordinance cards are the cards you will actually use to perform the ordinances for your ancestors.

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